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Fundamental to Musubi is a Japanese philosophy - Wa which means harmony. The search and creation of harmony affords us the ability to examine the business as a whole but more importantly it allows us to interrogate the status quo and break the shackles of tradition. Wa, drives us to go deep and helps us to cradle a strong social message and champion forms of expression an inclusivity as well as a celebration of diversity.

I have always argued for making the brand the central pivot of an organisation. Why then do so few companies do this? It is found that although the notion of organising around the brand is gaining acceptance and becoming a strategic aim for many companies, it remains uncommon in practice because it is so hard to implement without a clearly defined brand or focus on people. It requires leaders to take a holistic view of the brand and the organisation that transcends the marketing function and makes the brand a rallying cry for the whole organisation. More importantly, it requires the organisation to harmoniously align its people, processes, positioning and work environments in order to deliver the promise it makes everyday.

The future challenge will be to have an organisation that has a sophisticated culture galvanised around a sophisticated brand.

Having a holistic view is one thing but by harnessing Wa, we are able to establish a stable platform to create an organisational brand and culture that is respectful to the people charged with moving the business forward.

Branding means to burn. It is an aggressive act. Our approach is to grow the brand up from with people.

In the past the approach was to developed a logo and then impose onto a company. Cant change culture with a new logo and you cant convince people that a change of some 2D graphics will improve the toxicity of a culture. So whats the responsible answer?

Well, the corporate world is complex and it isn't getting any simpler. For close to 300 years the industrial revolution has worked hard to create systems of control. What's we have is decisions and a mindset that is rooted in the past. But the world is changing. Thankfully the power is shifting inch by inch into the hands of people. Power doesn't rest in the hands of the few. New world power is in the hands of many. So how do we shape a complex organisation ready for a complex world? We coalesce human values with brand purpose through the entire levels of the organisation.

Companies think in departments and it affects people in very disturbing ways. People amputate themselves from other people. The self censor based on their job title and don't share deep knowledge up and down the organisation because of the disharmony of politics.

Japanese businesses encourage wa in the workplace, employers will look long term with employees typically giving them a career for life in order to foster a strong association with their colleagues at all levels. Rewards and bonuses are usually given to groups, rather than individuals, further stimulating group unity.

The central premise of Wa is understanding the needs and potential friction of the people who work together and their relationship to the brand. It takes the long term view. A view that a business is part of something bigger.

The opposite of Wa is a disconnected approach that results in a patchwork of initiatives and projects that fail to interconnect with each other or speak to the whole.

Clearly the failure of branding is that it is narrow and does not adequately accommodate the rich culture it must reside in. It does not take into account the wider environment.

By harnessing harmony - Wa, we are able to establish a stable platform to create an organisational brand and culture that is adaptive and robustness. This ensures that Brands will wear in, not wear out!

Does it sound a bit idealistic and impossible??

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